Most people are familiar with VPNs and their applications, but few are aware of VPS, the more potent and secure software sibling of VPNs.
VPS is an abbreviation for Virtual Private Server, which is a virtual computer that can be used for a variety of online tasks, including software development, gaming, and trading, among others.
So how does VPS work?
Imagine a large storage space in a foreign country. Let’s call this room the Main Vault. You can store approximately 5 Exabytes (EB), or one billion gigabytes (GB), in the Main Vault.
If your company does not have this much data to store, the greatest thing you can do with this massive storage space is to lend it to other organizations.
To accomplish this, you must install sturdy and secure partitions to divide the Main Vault into, say, 100 isolated departments.
Now, let’s take this entire discussion online. The Main Vault is a physical server located anywhere in the globe.
Because the Main Vault is located in a specific location, it is inaccessible to everyone. Therefore, from a financial perspective, your target market is extremely limited.
However, using virtualization technology, you can divide your Main Vault into VVaults, or isolated mini-vaults.
A VVault (V is for virtual) is a virtual server with its own operating system that is derived from the primary physical server, the primary Vault.
This means that although all VVaults utilize the hardware of the Main Vault to function, they are completely independent from one another. Now that you understand what a VPS is, let’s determine which VPS operating system is ideal for you.
Linux VPS Vs. Windows VPS
Linux VPS refers to a VPS operating on the Linux operating system, whereas Windows VPS refers to a VPS operating on the Windows operating system. You must become familiar with each operating system’s features in order to determine which OS best suits your requirements.

Linux OS features:
Linux is a free, open-source operating system renowned for its rapid software development. Linux’s open-source nature makes it the most secure and versatile operating system.
The Linux community is comprised of developers who are capable of detecting and blocking malicious attacks within minutes.
Some people believe that basic command line knowledge is required to use Linux, but this is not wholly accurate.
It depends on your daily responsibilities. You don’t even need to open the Linux terminal in order to use an operating system to browse the web, send emails, or complete work-related tasks.
If you need to test and compile new software, or if you want to modify OS setups and configurations, you must have a rudimentary understanding of coding in order to use a Linux terminal.
Windows OS attributes:
Windows is a proprietary operating system renowned for its user-friendly graphical user interface.
Due to its compatibility with comprehensive, productive software such as Office 365, Dropbox, Microsoft OneNote, and OneDrive, the majority of businesses utilize Windows OS.
Windows ranks second in terms of speed and efficacy compared to Linux. Windows OS is a high-maintenance piece of software; it is not compatible with outdated hardware.

Linux, on the other hand, is not only lightweight but also compatible with all hardware. However, Windows does not require you to master a single command line in order to navigate its interface.
You can use Windows without much instruction, even if you have no prior experience with technology. And if you encounter any technical issues, you can contact Microsoft’s expert support staff, which is available 24/7.
The only disadvantage of Windows OS is that it has become the ideal target for hackers due to its popularity. However, installing a robust antivirus can protect your data from cybercriminals.
Windows is not free, but when you buy a Windows VPS, the operating system is already installed and ready to use.
The only fee you pay is for the virtual private server, which is absurdly inexpensive compared to the Windows license fee. (For instance, Windows 10 Pro’s license fee is $199.99)
Best Linux Distro for novices
Linux Mint is the best option if you have been using Windows for a long time but are searching for an advanced Linux operating system.
Since Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu, the most popular Linux distribution, you receive the ideal operating system bundle.

The greatest feature of Linux Mint is that it runs flawlessly on obsolete or old hardware. Regarding editions, the Linux Mint Cinnamon desktop environment resembles the Windows 7 environment, making it easy to navigate.
Other features of Linux Mint include:
- A user-friendly application bundle manager
- Full multimedia assistance
- The secure operating system that does not need antivirus software
- Low memory capacity
- It includes pre-installed applications like LibreOffice, Firefox, and VLC media player, among others.
- Minimum equipment requirements (2GB of Memory and 20GB of capacity on the hard drive)
- Simple and rapid installation procedure
- Rapid software supervisor
- It allows for quick integration with external devices like USBs, printers, etc.
- Tools such as MintNanny (Parental Control), MintBackup, and MintReport (System and incident information) are available.
Considerations when selecting an OS for a server
Operating systems are the link between hardware and software, so you must select one that offers the utmost level of functionality based on the characteristics of your hardware.
Here are four fundamental considerations when selecting a server operating system:
- Since all of your vital information is stored on your server, security must be your top priority.
- Speed: Servers are poisoned by downtime, and an infection can cost hundreds of users.
- Create a list of all required applications and verify their compatibility with Windows and Linux.
- Windows has the most straightforward user interface, but if you want more customization options, Linux distributions, particularly Ubuntu, are the way to go.
We’ve provided you with some general information about the Windows and Linux operating systems, but ultimately, you must evaluate the features based on your budget and requirements.
- Linux is secure, stable, customizable, compatible with older hardware, and free.
- Windows is beginner-friendly and has outstanding productivity applications, but its license is expensive.
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